Saturday, March 15, 2008

Covert Hypnosis An Operators Manual - Review

Covert Hypnosis An Operators Manual

I think it was actually Kevin Hogan who coined the term Covert Hypnosis. Whilst I am a huge fan of listening to hypnotists in action (as per Igors "Power of Conversational Hypnosis") Hogan really shines the spotlight on this little know art. Most of the other products sold on the subject of Covert Hypnosis are derivatives of the Operators Manual. It can be frightening when you understand just how powerful this stuff really is. Be warned!

I've also watched Hogans body language series and have to say he presents his information very, very well. The same goes for Covert Hypnosis an Operators Manual. The book is easy to read and full of some pretty amazing stuff. At $47, it isn't cheap, but I guess you wouldn't expect this kind of knowledge to come for free.

Go here to read more about Covert Hypnosis An Operators Manual

Monday, March 10, 2008

Covert Hypnosis: Conversational Management

How can you get to your destination if you don’t know where you are going?

Opportunities for covert hypnosis will present themselves all the time, however using conversational management skills the covert hypnotist can guide the conversation to where he or she wants it to go very, very quickly.

Have you ever known someone who was fanatical about something? Within minutes of speaking to them you would be talking about there pet topic and you don’t know how you got there. As a conversational hypnotist you really should learn how to guide conversations to places that allow for your covert trance inductions….

The art of Leading:

This is the skill of LEADING. If the other person is controlling the conversation then you will never steer it to where you want to go. I had this great metaphor told to me about the art of leading conversations:
Imagine you are on a riverboat; the person you are with has their hands on the wheel. You gently move next to them and take the wheel from their hands. Now the boat is still going down the river, it’s just that you are in control of it.

Conversational management skills are easily developed once you realise their importance. The first step is to practice. This is a primary skill in Covert Hypnosis.

Covert Hypnosis: How to learn Covert Hypnosis

It can be quite daunting for the beginner to know where to start. Whilst it isn't important to learn all the aspects of regular hypnosis, I do recommend that you supplement you Covert Hypnosis training with traditional learnings:

My preferences for learning Covert Hypnosis are as follows:

Kevin Hogan
Igor Ledochowski

If you combine these two I guarantee you will be well on your way. Please note, there are a couple of guys out there making quite outrageous claims about covert hypnosis. Stick to the above two and you will be well on your way...