Friday, February 29, 2008

Conversational Hypnosis Review - Unbiased

If you type the words Conversational Hypnosis into any search engine it seems like you always end up at the same sales page...Igor Ledochowski's Power of Conversational Hypnosis.

I bought the CD set about 12 momths ago. I had originally aquired the first CD set that Igor put out quite a few years ago. At the time it really opened my mind to the possibilities... I think I did my first covert induction soon after listening to it.

As well as buying the CD set I also subscribe to Igors private hypnosis group. It's a great source of up to date stuff. In a world of hypno scammers, fortunately Igor is the real deal. The downside to it all is that the Power of Conversational Hypnosis costs around $200 (it's got about 14 CDs) AND the private hypnosis group is something like $40 per month. I guess it depends how keen you are.

There's a LOT of information to digest. I did find that whilst the set is brilliant, my biggest complaint is that there wasn't enough time spent on the Ericksonian style of Hypnotic language. However, if you listen to Igors manner of speech, you can pick it quite quickly.

If you have been living under a rock and haven't yet seen the Advert, here it is:

Click Here!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another Self Hypnosis Project

After doing the Approaching Women MP3 I decided to embark on another project..a self hypnosis video. It's based on the hypnotic spiral and some classical conversational hypnosis language. For those of you who haven't experienced hypnosis, I recommend you watch it. It works best if you have a set of headphones on and that you follow the instructions.

The Youtube link is below:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Embedded Commands: The 4 Golden Rules for Using Embedded Commands

Embedded Commands: The 4 Golden Rules for Using Embedded Commands

UAM – Use Analogue Marking
It is important to mark out your embedded commands (EC) so that they a registered by the subconscious mind. You can do this in the following 3 ways:

1) The Use of Pauses: You will have to determine the right length of the pause for your own rate of speech. Ideally the pause should be only long enough to create a slight ambiguity in meaning.

2) Change Volume: You can mark out the command by saying it slightly louder than the rest of the sentence.

3) Tonality – See CTDA

CTDA – Command Tone Down Always
The subconscious will not know it is an instruction unless it hears it said as one. When we issue a normal command there is always an inflection in the tone that is downward. If you were asking a question the inflection would be upward. Even though the EC is hidden in a sentence, it MUST be uttered in the same tone as you would normally issue a command.

RUOT – Repetitive Use of Theme
The subconscious needs repetition to register a theme. Simply saying “a person can…FEEL COMFORTABLE..when sitting on a train” would probably not be enough to suggest to the subconcious that it should feel comfortable. To make your embedded commands more powerful, repeat the theme. To keep the conversation normal, limit the repetition of the same command phrase.

PPP – Practice, Practice, Practice
To make your embedded commands work for you, you must put the above 4 rules into practice. One of the things I get my students to do is record their hypnotic patterns that include embedded commands, and then play them back. That way they can get a feel for whether they are getting things right or not.

Now go out and, Use embedded commands!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Derren Brown and NLP: Never Trust a Magician!

You have to admire a person who can create the kind of publicity that Derren Brown has. Links to his Racetrack scam/Russian scam and BMX Present stunt have swamped inboxes like only the best viral marketing can do. But let’s stop for a moment. Can we really trust a magician?

What is Misdirection
Misdirection is a stock tool of the magician. The magician draws your attention to one thing whilst manipulating another out of the view of the audience.

Fooling The Experts
I had to hold in my laughter as I listened to a recording of a teleconference with so called experts in covert hypnosis discussing the “BMX” trick. In his show “Trick of The Mind” , Derren appears to create a false memory in the subject which makes the guy think that he always wanted a BMX rather than a leather jacket. Without giving a line by line explanation of everything that happened in the skit (I highly recommend you watch it), ANYONE with any real covert hypnosis/NLP skills would know that what Derren does in the clip is INSUFFICIENT to induce a false memory! A mild trance induction caused by a handshake interrupt and a quick “false memory story” laced with embedded bicycle references won’t work. At the end of the show, Derren directs our attention to the embedded commands used. Brilliant misdirection! There are a ton of other ways this trick could have been done (any one them far more probable). Please be wary of anyone using Derrens clips as evidence of the proof that NLP and Covert Hypnosis work.

Derren, you are a genius!

Oh what the it is if you have never seen it....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Covert Hypnosis: 3 Quick Ways to Confuse Your Subjects and Induce a Hypnotic Trance

Creating confusion in the mind of your subject causes them to do a Trans Derivational Search (referred to as TDS) to find meaning in what you say. This search causes a trance effect that you can use to your advantage. The follow are fantastic ways of inducing that trance state:

1# Use double negatives
The mind struggles to handle multi uses of negatives in a statement. If I were to say to you “don’t, not, not think about something now until you can’t think of it?”. What am I actually saying?

2# Use Time Stacking
Time references can also cause a deep degree of confusion. For instance, Imagine a time in the future when you look back on a day and you remember when you thought how good you felt reflecting on things you look forward to.

3# Wordplay and Linguistic Ambiguities
You can play on the multiple meaning of words to easily confuse the conscious mind.

The word RIGHT could be used to mean the following:
The right side of your body OR the right thing to do OR the ship managed to RIGHT itself

The word LEFT could be used to mean the following:
The left side of your body OR what is left over.

Creating Confusion
To confuse your subject you could easily say something like, ”As you feel your right and left hand, right, lift your left, and you can notice what’s left is the right and when you look at your left you might wonder who’s right is it to ask?

What, do you do after the confusion…you’ll have to wait for the answer. But for now, go out and confuse people!
Damon Laude
Technorati Profile

Covert Hypnosis: 3 Important Things When First Learning NLP/Covert Hypnosis

NLP and Covert Hypnosis are HUGE subjects. For many these amazing subjects become just a mental exercise and people never, ever use what they learn. For many it’s really just a simple case of knowing where to start….

3 Steps to do it all wrong:

Step 1: Read and listen to every piece of information you can.
You will never ever be able to master it unless you know everything there is to know about it. Also, make sure you get everyone’s opinion on every aspect of the same technique just in case.

Step 2: Pick random elements to practice.
Once you know everything you think you could know, choose a random skill to practice. Structure isn’t important. And the difficulty of this random skill is also irrelevant.

Step 3: Do everything out of context
Make sure you use that skill as much as you want regardless of the context of your communication. Bring it up as soon as you can.

The 3 Steps to Success:

Step 1: Understand the context of your communication.
Our personal interactions exist in a social context; Business, friendship and intimate relationship, just to name a few. The communication between participants tends to follow a general flow that is in context with that relationship. Pay attention to social contexts.

Step 2: Pick something easy to practice each day.
Pick a simple skill to apply that pertains to one or more contexts. Take for instance; eye accessing cues (see my article here to understand what that is). This applies to multiple social contexts.

Step 3: Build and learn that base skill.
Plan how you will practice the skill. For instance using eye accessing cues you could use the following PLANNED questions:

Personal Context: What is your favourite holiday destination?
Business: When was the last time you purchased something you really liked?
Relationship: When was the last time you really felt adventurous?

Reading about Covert Hypnosis is one thing, but doing is it WAY more fun!

Damon Laude