Friday, February 29, 2008

Conversational Hypnosis Review - Unbiased

If you type the words Conversational Hypnosis into any search engine it seems like you always end up at the same sales page...Igor Ledochowski's Power of Conversational Hypnosis.

I bought the CD set about 12 momths ago. I had originally aquired the first CD set that Igor put out quite a few years ago. At the time it really opened my mind to the possibilities... I think I did my first covert induction soon after listening to it.

As well as buying the CD set I also subscribe to Igors private hypnosis group. It's a great source of up to date stuff. In a world of hypno scammers, fortunately Igor is the real deal. The downside to it all is that the Power of Conversational Hypnosis costs around $200 (it's got about 14 CDs) AND the private hypnosis group is something like $40 per month. I guess it depends how keen you are.

There's a LOT of information to digest. I did find that whilst the set is brilliant, my biggest complaint is that there wasn't enough time spent on the Ericksonian style of Hypnotic language. However, if you listen to Igors manner of speech, you can pick it quite quickly.

If you have been living under a rock and haven't yet seen the Advert, here it is:

Click Here!

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