Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Covert Hypnosis: 3 Quick Ways to Confuse Your Subjects and Induce a Hypnotic Trance

Creating confusion in the mind of your subject causes them to do a Trans Derivational Search (referred to as TDS) to find meaning in what you say. This search causes a trance effect that you can use to your advantage. The follow are fantastic ways of inducing that trance state:

1# Use double negatives
The mind struggles to handle multi uses of negatives in a statement. If I were to say to you “don’t, not, not think about something now until you can’t think of it?”. What am I actually saying?

2# Use Time Stacking
Time references can also cause a deep degree of confusion. For instance, Imagine a time in the future when you look back on a day and you remember when you thought how good you felt reflecting on things you look forward to.

3# Wordplay and Linguistic Ambiguities
You can play on the multiple meaning of words to easily confuse the conscious mind.

The word RIGHT could be used to mean the following:
The right side of your body OR the right thing to do OR the ship managed to RIGHT itself

The word LEFT could be used to mean the following:
The left side of your body OR what is left over.

Creating Confusion
To confuse your subject you could easily say something like, ”As you feel your right and left hand, right, lift your left, and you can notice what’s left is the right and when you look at your left you might wonder who’s right is it to ask?

What, do you do after the confusion…you’ll have to wait for the answer. But for now, go out and confuse people!
Damon Laude
Technorati Profile

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